ELSA 40 Years – Tabula Gratulatoria (Member Discount)

Join the Tabula Gratulatoria now - and say Happy Birthday to ELSA!

  • 50% of your donation will directly support the ROLE project.
  • 50% of your donation will be directed towards the anniversary book and the Vienna Summit.
  • You will receive your personal copy of the anniversary book "ELSA 40 Years - For a Better World".

In November 2021, the European Law Students' Association, and its international alumni association, ELSA Alumni, will organize an "ELSA 40 Years Vienna Summit" and launch a publication to celebrate ELSA's fortieth anniversary.

The theme of the Vienna Summit will be the Rule of Law and its importance in promoting a more just world. During the Vienna Summit, ELSA and ELSA Alumni will launch the Rule of Law Education (ROLE) project, which will teach school children about the importance of the rule of law in society.

The anniversary book contains contributions from speakers of the Vienna Summit, as well as editorial and advertising, and the full Tabula Gratulatoria list of names. It will reach some of the most important and influential lawyers across Europe. 5,000 copies will be printed and distributed to ELSA Alumni and ELSA members at the anniversary events. Additionally, an electronic version will be publicly available.

If you are not a member, consider becoming a member first to get a discount on your contribution. You can become a member via ELSA Alumni Online. Otherwise, please use the Tabula Gratulatoria form for non-members.

The Tabula Gratulatoria is now closed.
If you require an invoice, please contact Rob van Bergen, treasurer of ELSA Alumni (rob@elsaalumni.org).