Get Involved

If you are a former member of the European Law Students’ Association and you share our vision for a just world, there are many ways to get involved
- Join ELSA Alumni as a member
- Volunteer with ELSA Alumni's Board of Directors to support the development of the alumni network and activities
- Contribute to our activities as a partner, donor or sponsor in kind
- Become a mentor to a younger alumnus
- Get involved in the Rule of Law Education Programme (see below)
- Donate to ELSA International's core operating costs via Le Cercle (see below)
If you would like to discuss how to get involved and support our work, please contact the President of ELSA Alumni, Thésa Prisse.

Rule of Law Education Programme
ELSA Alumni created the Rule of Law Education curriculum (ROLE) for ELSA, and offers its ongoing support to ELSA International as it implements the ROLE programme throughout Europe.
ROLE involves ELSA groups and young lawyers facilitating interactive and engaging sessions to 15 - 18 year olds on the core principles of the Rule of Law, such as access to justice, equality before the law, the importance of an independent judiciary and the link with human rights and climate justice.
How you can help
- ELSA Alumni members are assisting ELSA groups with the translation and localisation of the ROLE curriculum. So far, the curriculum has been translated from English into Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, German, Polish and Serbian.
- ELSA groups throughout Europe are actively seeking schools that wish to participate in the Rule of Law Education programme. Maybe you are a teacher, or you have contacts at a secondary school that might be interested in bringing ROLE to the school?
- Or perhaps there are young lawyers in your law firm who would enjoy being involved with your local ELSA group in presenting the ROLE curriculum in schools?
If you would like to be involved in advancing Rule of Law Education in your country, please contact ELSA Alumni's Director for ROLE, Lisa Mead.

Support ELSA International directly through Le Cercle
Le Cercle is an informal funding circle aimed at safeguarding the ongoing, day-to-day operations of ELSA International (the International Board and International Team) by providing a reasonable annual income to cover operating costs.
Here donors can make a real impact. If just 100 donors agree to donate €200 a year, that will give the International Board a base income of €20,000. This will greatly assist ELSA's budgeting and forward planning. €200 is just for illustrative purposes – please give more or less, whatever works for you. Contributions can be stopped at anytime.
By submitting the form below, you take the first step towards directly contributing to ELSA International. The second step is to instruct your bank. These are the bank details:
- IBAN: BE19 2100 8146 6312, SWIFT/BIC: GEBABEBB
- Beneficiary: ELSA International, 239, Blvd. Général Jacques, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
- Reference: Donation Le Cercle (Donor’s name)
- Bank: BNP Paribas Fortis, Chaussée de Boondael 466, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium
The use of Le Cercle funds is left to the discretion of the board of ELSA International. Each donor will receive a copy of the ELSA Annual Report via email. Please also register at https://elsa.org/le-cercle/, so that the International Board can include the donation in their planning and budgeting.
Thank you for your support.