Alumni Testimonials

Ezgi Yıldız
I am one of the “fresher” alumni since I was in the board of ELSA International 18/19. It is safe to say that ELSA changed my life, my career plans and my vision. That is why I’ll be moving to the Netherlands next year after I finish my legal internship in my country. I always said that the best thing about ELSA is the connections you make and I am now experiencing this first hand. Moving to a foreign country would be a scary experience for many people but I already have friends there helping me personally and professionally thanks to ELSA! ELSA gave me the confidence to just go for it, whatever my dreams may be. I will never forget my time in ELSA hence I joined ELSA Alumni to keep the memories fresh by keeping in touch and to benefit from our wide network as a young professional.
Ezgi Yıldız, Trainee Lawyer
Vice President for Seminars and Conferences, ELSA International 2018/2019

Narmin "Nana" Alieva
As long as I can remember myself, I have been passionate about promotion of cultural diversity. What really opened my horizons though was ELSA which enabled me to bring a new stand to the society of law students in Azerbaijan. The years within the Association proved to me the importance of cultural exchange. It enriched my personality and taught much about various European cultures.
I finished my ELSA career as Secretary General of the International Board back in 2018 but ELSA never ceased to be a major part of my life. I value and truly believe in everything that ELSA stands for, at the crossroads of which I found the closest friends that I have up until today, the most incredible professional opportunities that brought me to where I am and the most memorable moments of my life that I will cherish forever. ELSA Alumni is a community of people with the same values where I feel supported at all times, and proud to be a part of!
Narmin "Nana" Alieva, Founder and Executive Manager, Café Nina Baku
Secretary General ELSA International 2017/18
President ELS Azerbaijan 2018 - Present

Ivan Chopyk
Needless to say, the ones who joined ELSA and stayed long enough can appreciate the true meaning of being its member. After many years of dedication at some point you may ask yourself whether there is something you can give back to ELSA. Logically, becoming an alumni member is a great step to undertake. We can talk hours about benefits, but let’s make it simple. Should you feel like there is experience you can share with young generations, or you might want to reconnect with the oldies, or you need to find any help, inspiration or what not — ELSA Alumni sure is the right place.
That’s why you’re here and what’s why you’re reading this testimonial. So, if you still have any doubts to join, forget them. Simply join.
Ivan Chopyk, Associate at Bachynskyi and Partners law firm, Lviv, Ukraine
VP Marketing ELSA International 2016/2017

Antonia Markoviti
I seized every field of ELSA to the fullest! I was President of ELSA Thessaloniki back in 2014 and Vice President for Academic Activities of ELSA Greece and ELSA International afterwards - which means a lot of management and legal publications. I had a STEP internship, participated in delegations, law schools and organised moot courts. And I love marketing! Now that I'm enjoying the ELSA retirement, I need a link to all these years of creativity. Alumni exist not only for beautiful reunions, but mainly for inspiration and idea exchange. Thanks to the skills I exercised in ELSA, I successfully run my small enterprise in tourism, while being a trainee lawyer. The perks of strong networks are here and we are ready for mutual inspiration exchange. Ready to join? .
Antonia Markoviti, Trainee Lawyer at Markoviti Law
Manager at Navy Greece Rentals
VP Academic Activities ELSA International 2015-2016

Armin Khoshnewiszadeh
Without ELSA I would not be the person I am today. Plain and simple. Not only did I learn the ins and outs of running an organisation, but meeting so many wonderful and interesting people from all over Europe (and the world) instilled in me an internationalism which has shaped my values and has led me towards the career in international criminal law that I am chasing today. ELSA was the reason I chose to pursue international law, and the reason why I am currently practicing it at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia (Europe isn’t everything after all!).
But none of this comes close to the deep friendships I made, which I cherries to this day. ELSA is and hopefully always will be a place where the personal meets the professional. And ELSA Alumni is no exception. I am part of ELSA’s alumni network because I can satisfy my need for professional development without the stiffness and formality of other professional societies. Long story short: a place to meet old friends and talk shop.
Armin Khoshnewiszadeh, Junior legal consultant on the Meas Muth Defence Team Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
President ELSA International 2014-2015

Ana Roce
One of my best decisions while studying was to dedicate my time to ELSA. It gave me opportunity to learn, meet incredible people and develop myself both personally and professionally. ELSA gave me a unique opportunity to work on remarkable projects while developing my managing skills, sharpening my team spirit and growing a wide range of soft skills that I have continued to use in everyday life. Looking back, I realise that what I cherish the most are the friendships I have made during my active years. Through ELSA Alumni I am able to stay in touch with ELSA members and we still support and contribute to each other’s professional life because ELSA Alumni connects professionals from different fields who share the same values summed up in the ELSA Vision.
Ana Roce, Associate at Gajski, Grlić, Prka & Partners, Law Firm LLC, Zagreb, Croatia
VP Seminars & Conferences ELSA International 2013-2014

Federica Toscano
My years in ELSA were the boldest, most exciting and most ambitious time of my life. Together with other brave and generous dreamers, we dared to challenge the status quo of legal education and to break borders, bringing together people with different background but common values. Thanks to ELSA I understood what makes me passionate and what are my distinctive skills. As a result, today I have the confidence to continue to be bold, ambitious and creative in my work. For most of this I must thank the wonderful people that I met and worked with. What you do for ELSA may not last forever, but friendships do.
Federica Toscano, Head of Policy at Missing Children Europe, Brussels (BE)
VP Seminars & Conferences ELSA International 2012-2013

Irakli Samkharadze
ELSA had an insanely big impact on my life and professional development. If no ELSA, I would probably never been able to open the doors making me live in four different countries, work in extremely multicultural environment, strengthen inter-cultural competencies and meet gazillions of inspiring people all over the globe. Started as a total newcomer, it was in 2008 when I founded ELSA together with my enthusiastic friends in Georgia and served as a first president of a national group before elected as a Vice-President STEP of ELSA International. And now - as a proud member of the community - I have an ambition to support ELSA Alumni initiatives and its services. I strongly believe that never-ending connection to ELSA means a cherished access to a global network of legal professionals and future opportunities. I am fired up to be the part of this network and eager to deliver on my promise – once in ELSA, always in ELSA. Please join me in that because “if you go alone, go faster, if you go together - go far!”
Irakli Samkharadze, Regional Network Coordinator, South Eastern Europe, German International Development Cooperation (GIZ).
VP STEP ELSA International 2011-2012

Óscar A. Lema Bouza
My time in ELSA prepared me to work in international environments with a lot of time and resource pressure, which have proved very useful. Not only it was a great school for life, but also a Network where I met some of my best friends, and even my wife. It is the people that keep ELSA going and growing, and it is the people that are the main asset of ELSA Alumni. Whether it is for getting in touch with old friends to meet up or for professional reasons, being a part of ELSA Alumni is an asset that can make the difference. .
Óscar A. Lema Bouza, Ph.D. candidate at the European University Institute, Florence
President ELSA International 2010-2011

Peter Christian Binau-Hansen
The cultural diversity aspect of ELSA has been a gamechanger in my life. Without support from the association, I would never have left my comfort zone and pursued legal and personal challenges in such places as USA, China and United Kingdom. Despite cultural differences, the common interest in ELSA ensures that there is almost certain always an alumni ready to assist you in any country around the world – an advantage that I have heavily relied upon during my continuing travels to more than 100 nations. Now working as a cross-border IP attorney, I benefit from the valuable connections of my fellow alumni. In a nutshell, ELSA Alumni is a pool of trustworthy contacts, despite some being yet unknown to you.
Peter Christian Binau-Hansen, Assistant Attorney, HD. NJORD Law Firm, Copenhagen, Denmark
Treasurer ELSA International 2009-2010

Delia Orabona
Since my very first term in office as Director STEP of my local board (ELSA Napoli), I felt the impact that such Association of students, EU enthusiasts and friends for life, would have had on all aspects on my life.
I can confirm today that my engagement in ELSA as national and international Officer, then proudly as ELSA EMC2 panelist and EMC2 sponsor (together with one of the biggest clients of the law firm) and STEP Employer, has helped me shaping both my personal and professional life.
I will always support ELSA and I look forward to new opportunities of meetings with the ELSA Alumni association to strengthen the ELSA Alumni Network.
Delia Orabona, EU&Trade Law Firm (own) Partner Lawyer
VP STEP ELSA International 2007-2008

Loreta Pivoriunaite
ELSA was a door opener to the world in terms of people, travel, international meetings, and international organizations when I have joined in 2002. I was passionate to organize and learn new things, so it brought me from a local level (Mykolas Romeris university, Lithuania) to the international level to serve as VP Seminars and Conferences. ELSA has seeded in me the international aspect, allowed me to grow and connect with other fellows. Later on, it became a bridge to other international organizations because of the attention to detail, communication, strategic thinking. This was the best path combining studies, volunteering and professional growth. The Alumni is the continuation on another level. .
Loreta Pivoriunaite, Perfomance Strategist
VP S&C ELSA International 2006-2007
VP S&C ELSA Lithuania 2004-2006

Bettina Kuperman
My years in ELSA laid the foundation for my career in the international sports and entertainment industry and as a business owner and entrepreneur. ELSA gave me the inspiration and courage to pursue my dream of a career abroad in exciting upcoming markets in Europe. I learned invaluable skills that still helps me manage major projects in international teams and challenging environments. However, the most valuable outcome is the life-long friendships across borders and cultures. I still stay in close contact with my ELSA Alumni network, personally and professionally.
Bettina Kuperman, Senior Partner K+S Global
President ELSA International 2002-2003
President ELSA Denmark 2001-2002

Michael Ellul Sullivan
I was President of ELSA International in 2000 – 2001 after holding different roles in ELSA Malta and also in ELS. Coming from an island, ELSA had a tremendous impact on my life. The exposure ELSA gave me to different cultures and ways of life she was the first excuse to travel and opened my eyes to life that surrounds us. She helped me understand the beauty of similarity in diversity, of people and cultures. While I was not very active in the Alumni for a few years, in the last couple of years I have been lucky to reigniting contacts with my old ELSA colleagues, while enjoying reminiscing the past, discussing the present and future, both on work projects as well as just enjoying a drink or a dinner. My years in ELSA were fantastic and intense. Some friendships, especially with like-minded people, are best kept alive, and others (re)discovered. ELSA Alumni is my platform for that.
Michael Ellul Sullivan, Advocate, Malta
President of ELSA International 2000-2001
ELSA Malta 1997-2000

Gregor Wenda
The best way to describe ELSA is to call it an “experience of a lifetime”. To me, ELSA was a real investment in the future – both professionally and personally. I was active in ELSA from 1995/96 to 2001 in ELSA Vienna and ELSA Austria and also experienced “international air” at many ICMs, as an assistant with ELSA International, and as the Chairman of the 2001 Anniversary ICM. In those years, I was able to pick up and train a lot of precious skills still needed to this very day – from organizing large-scale events to negotiating with representatives of other countries. Above all, it was the people and the friendships – many of which have prevailed to this very day – that made my ELSA time so special. ELSA Alumni provides excellent channels to keep up these bonds, to build up and foster a network of European law graduates with the same “ELSA past”, and to stay connected with today’s active ELSA members in order to provide advice and support.
Gregor Wenda, Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Deputy Head of Electoral Affairs
President of ELSA Austria 1998-1999

Jarl-Johan Héde
ELSA Alumni is first and foremost a global network of legal professionals within your reach. Great part of this network that professional background isn’t the only common nominator, but you also have shared memories and history in ELSA. You may finish your time in the Association, but you don’t have to give up on all the people you met. By joining ELSA Alumni you can keep in touch with old friends and continue to meet new acquaintances to boost your professional network and make new memories!’
Jarl-Johan Héde, Chief Executive Officer of Paragraaffi Ltd.
In ELSA 2014-2018, President, ELSA Finland and ELSA Helsinki